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Stress- and burn-outcoaching

What is stress- and burn-out coaching?

Stress and burn-out coaching helps you handle stress related complaints and deal with burn-out. You can also learn to deal with stress pre-emptively, e.g. before you are going to go through a possibly stressful period. Below you find examples of questions for which you can consult a stress and burn-out coach:


  • How do I achieve a better work-life balance?

  • How do I handle stressful situations in a better way?

  • How do I get more energy?

  • How do I tackle a burn-out?

  • How do I tackle a bore-out?

  • How do I become less perfectionistic?

  • How do I handle criticism or gossip better?

  • How do I get more self-confidence?

  • How do I start working again after a long period of absence?

  • How do I get back to work quickly (in case of absence)?

  • How do I diminish the chance to get burn-out again?

  • etc.

How do I work as stress and burn-outcoach?

From the Association of Recognized Stress and Burn-out Coaches we work with an

8-step plan that is adapted to your needs and wishes: 


  1. Orientation: no-obligation conversation to get acquainted and set goals.

  2. First analysis of stress complaints and stress sources

  3. Restore energy and physical condition

  4. Dealing with stress and emotions

  5. Strengthening competencies

  6. Life mission, talents and motivations

  7. Match with social environment and work

  8. Return to work, relapse prevention, follow-up and evaluation


I will also look at whether aspects of Inner Child coaching can be integrated into the process for you. The Inner Child represents the side in you that can be vulnerable, playful, emotional, etc. If you don't listen to your Inner Child for a long time, it can cause an overload. Your Inner Child also intuitively knows what suits you and what doesn't and it knows when you go beyond your limits. These are just a few reasons why I combine Inner Child Work with Stress and Burn-out coaching. More information about Inner Child coaching can be found here.


In the event of a possible burn-out , it is recommended to consult your doctor before you start a coaching process. 

How do I work as stress and burn-outcoach?

Yes, depending on the degree of stress whether it is career related or not. If you experience tension complaints, visit your doctor first.


Is your stress moderate and career related? Then your doctor can refer you to a career coach. 


Is your stress more intense or do you have a burnout? Then your doctor will probably refer you to a stress and burnout coach, psychologist or psychiatrist. In case of more severe tension complaints, it is important that you first recover and have sufficient energy again before you can start working on important career questions in your life. In case you have enough energy after seeing a doctor or psychologist, then you can contact a career coach



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