
As the child of two hard-working self-employed people, my brother and I were not lacking anything materially. On an emotional level, however, we missed something: we didn't see our parents much and babysitters alternated. This made me very insecure, I thought I was not good enough to give attention and love to. To get attention, I became a sweet, good girl who performed well at school. I loved going to school: learning gave me a lot of energy: I studied Latin-mathematics in high school and Business Engineering at the University of Antwerp.
Early childhood
After my studies
After my studies I wanted to get to know the world and myself better. Among other things, I lived in China for a year, an experience that allowed me to experience highs and lows. I ended up in a mild depression at the end, which made me see what I need in my life to be happy: helping people grow, growing myself, singing, and having friends and family around me. So I decided to settle in Belgium and work on my personal growth with the Inner Child Work.
In the meantime, I have two beautiful sons with my husband Kevin: Robbe (°2020) and Senne (°2023). I am an academic assistant and guide students to the labor market at the University of Antwerp. In addition, I coach people in their lives and careers in my practice in Schoten. I continue to work on myself for myself, my family and others. I prefer therapy and coaching where the body and emotions, and less talking, are in the foreground. For example, Inner Child Work, Voice Dialogue and NLP have already helped me heal and grow. These are therefore ways of working that I like to include in my practice to help others.
These are the degrees and courses I took in the past years so far:
- Voice Dialogue Facilitator (Voice Dialogue Institute, 2019-2021)
- Stress and Burnout Coach (HRD Academy, 2019-2020)
- Career Professional (HRD Academy, 2018-2019)
- Inner Child Coach (Oost West Centrum, 2016-2019)
- Bachelor & Master Business Engineering (2007-2012)
In recent years
What do I stand for as a coach?
Clients usually describe me as warm, soft, patient and safe. I stand for depth and the combination of talking and experience-based work in a coaching process because I believe that this is the most sustainable way to move forward stronger. You go to the core of the problem and, as it were, create one foundation on which you can build further. This way of working works for me and I also want to pass it on to others.